I wish I were a messager of perfect moments.
Painting is building silence.
I’m not looking for the mystery of the shadow,
but the mystery of the full light.

Born in Valence, known as the gateway to Provence, Pierre Boncompain is recognized as a modern French master, and inheritor of the colorist tradition. Over the last five decades he has exhibited in Europe, Asia, United States and of course all over France, most recently in a momentous retrospective at the Musée d’Art Contemporain Saint Martin in Montélimar.
Franklin Bowles Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie Emiliani, Dieulefit, Drôme, France
Galerie Mark Peet Visser, Oisterwijk, the Netherlands
Tapisseries de l’Atelier 3, musée Saint Martin, Montélimar
Exposition Espace Sisley, Paris
Franklin Bowles Gallery, New York and San Francisco, USA
Galerie Mark Peet Visser, the Netherlands
Église Sainte Foy de Mirmande, Drôme, France
Franklin Bowles Gallery, New York, USA
Mark Peet Visser Gallery, S’Hertogenbosch, Pays-Bas
Galerie Emiliani, Dieulefit, Drôme, France
Galerie Franklin Bowles, New York, USA
Exhibition “Cantique des cantiques” : Franklin Bowles Gallery, New York – January to March (read more)
Exhibition “De Renoir à Picasso – Regard sur la donation Pierre Boncompain” Musée d’Art Contemporain Saint Martin et Château des Adhémars – Montélimar – May to December (read more)

News / Press
Exhibition : Boncompain in Drôme
Saturday July the 2nd to 30 September the 30th, 2022, everyday from 11 to 19 hours. Eglise Sainte Foy à Mirmande.
Nouvelle édition du catalogue raisonné en deux volumes
Disponible à présent en deux volumes, toujours établi sous la direction de Dominique Vergnon : Volume 1 (1951-2000) Volume 2 (2000-2020)
Shanghai Exhibition
January the 8th to February the 21th, 2021.